EM-Pro Employee Training Log / Scheduler

...Keeping employee training activities organized
The system addresses key aspects associated with the management of training requirements, scheduling and keeping a detailed history.
Some of the primary elements include:
• General employee information including picture
• Flexible set up of courses
• Training log of scheduled and completed courses
• Option to schedule an employee for training if a course revision occurs
• Schedule training for a department
• Screen/Report field titles adjustable (terminology or language)
Practical aspects include:
• Course completion - store items like cost, time etc.
• Department training matrix
• Report filtering and sorting options (e.g. date range)
• Training due report - list all employees with courses scheduled for a particular date range
• Training due for a particular course - list all employees scheduled for the selected course
• Training history - details of courses taken by a particular employee
• Export reports to popular file formats (MS Word, Excel etc.)
• Link to external documents (e.g. certificate of training)
The approach taken helps your company meet the comprehensive requirements of:
• Quality management systems
• Health and safety
• Environmental